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You Win Some, You Lose Some, You Grow From All

Jul 28

1 min read




I've been on a bit of a writing-poetry-for-literary-magazines-and-anthologies-open-submissions kick lately. I'm a prompt-driven enthusiast, and open submissions feed that beast quite nicely.

I'm excited to share two pieces of news:

  1. Mid-July, I received word my poem, Standing at the Last Judgment, has been accepted for Issue 01 of Three Panels Press digital literary magazine.

I understood the assignment and I contributed something the magazine thought their audience would like, too. I'll also be part of the Three Panels Press live-reading virtual session on August 18th! If you're interested, please register here.

2. I received news today that my poem, murky marauders, did not make the cut for an upcoming anthology.

Admittedly, this one was a bit of a stretch. While I'm bummed it didn't make the cut, I am going to repurpose it for a spooky season short story. I'll post it as part of my newsletter in September.

Will rejection stop me from writing? Newp. Rejections fuel fire for the next opportunity. I'm so appreciative of digital literary magazines and publishing imprints for providing open submission opportunities. They are confidence and learning boosters.

If you are so inclined, share about a time where you were told no and how it fueled you in the comments.

Jul 28

1 min read





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